The French cooperative bank, Crédit Mutuel, has over 30 million clients and is headed by Nicolas Théry. Its motto is "La banque appartient à ses clients, ça change!" This makes it one of the largest banks in France. The company is headquartered in Strasbourg, Alsace, and has more than 30 million customers. Read on to learn more about the company. There are several different types of credit cards available.
The main benefits of Credit Mutuel are that it has high-quality human resources and recognizes its expertise. Moreover, it is well known for anticipating needs, and it has diverse businesses across the country. Its specialized divisions serve people in many areas of France. In addition to this, its customers can easily access the company's latest news, as well as its latest transactions. This makes it easy for consumers to make payments.
The company diversified and became one of the biggest players in the French banking sector. It is also the world's leading player in new technologies. Its mobile application enables clients to access all the Bank a Distance channels without having to leave their home. It also provides them with a free check book. In addition, the mobile application enables them to pay bills without having to visit the bank. The mobile app provides more functionality than the regular website.